About Me

My name is Amy and this is my blog. Please leave a message for me... and remember to feed the fish...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Walk along the Canal.

We went for a walk along the canal...

This is a bridge called The Laughing and Greetin' Bridge. This is supposed to be the face of the man who was in charge of digging out the easy part of the canal. He is laughing.

This is the face of the man who was in charge of digging the really long tunnel. No wonder he is crying.


It is really dark and very long.

The water is dripping in and making these weird rocks.

Yay! We made it to the end!!

We went on a Minibeast Hunt!!

We went to Callendar Woods on a Mininbeast Hunt. We lifted rocks and old logs to see what was underneath. We found slugs, woodlice (slaters) worms, beetles and some weird eggs. It was fun! We alway put the rocks and logs back because that is the minibeast's home.